With over 14 years in business, we have transformed 1000’s of lives…

But don’t just take our word for it, check out these stories and videos and see how our members were able to overcome their greatest fitness obstacles.

  • Lost 33 pounds

    When Chantel came to us she was 156lbs. Her goals were losing weight and building strength. Through consistency and accountability she was able to lose 33 pounds on our 12 week challenge and become much stronger.

  • Lost 75 lbs

    Leslie had lost herself mentally after having her three kids. “I was overweight, had no energy, and drank a lot. I wanted to be happy and not angry all the time”. Something had to change. She was frustrated and embarrassed to start but stuck with it and has transformed both physically and mentally.

  • Pre-diabetic to Triathlete

    When the doctors told me I was becoming diabetic I decided to change my life. The coaches and community here provided the advice and encouragement I needed to make a difference in my life. It’s been really hard at times but definitely worth it. I’m down 90 lbs and excited as I get closer to my goal weight of 240 lbs. I’ve accomplish so much, including my lifetime goal of completing a triathlon.

  • Changed my relationship with food

    Since I was a kid I struggled with body images and bullying. When I started this transformation I didn’t realize what an unhealthy relationship I had with food. I thought I could only eat 1200 calories a day which led to binge eating. Although I’ve had some good physical progress, my biggest transformation has been mentally. I’ve changed the way I look at food and now eat to fuel my body. I’ve learned to listen to my body and treat it like a machine, which has helped me overcome fears and old ideas of diet.

  • Overcame knee surgery and Lost 15 lbs

    An ACL tear, surgery, bolts, and tendon grafts had sidelined the athlete that Rodrigo once was. Years of drinking and eating led to weight gain and frustration. In just 12 weeks he completely turned his life around.

  • This has changed my life

    I was coming out of a pretty rough life situation. I had gained weight and stopped feeling confident about myself. The 12 week challenge at SLC CrossFit has provided me with the knowledge, data, tools, and support I needed to change my life

  • Down 4% body fat in only 5 weeks

    Jordan is a nurse with a tight schedule. She came to SLC CrossFit with the goal of creating a healthier lifestyle for herself. Through working with her coach, she has been able to find a consistent workout routine and learned to make the gym a priority for herself. In just 5 weeks she has lost 3.5% body fat and significantly improved her muscle mass.

  • Down 50 lbs and still going

    Leilani was frustrated because she had tried everything. SLC CrossFit was her last option. This is now her happy place!

  • Healthier and Happier than ever

    After moving to SLC in August 2021, I felt so disgusted with myself. I was the heaviest I had been in years. I started working with life elevated & working out at SLC CrossFit! I wanted to be a happier, healthier me. Now I feel so much better and happier than ever.

  • I feel stronger and more confident

    I came to SLC CrossFit because I wanted to change my lifestyle and create a healthy routine for myself. I joined the 12 week challenge and have already achieved so many short term goals in just 5 weeks. With the help of coach Sydney I’m down 8 lbs, have gained 2% muscle mass. I feel stronger and gained more confidence. I can’t wait to see where I’ll be at 12 weeks!

  • Took control of my health and fitness

    After nearly two years in survival mode and multiple sizes up, getting back to my healthy state seemed not only daunting but very nearly impossible. I began feeling hopeless, like this is just who I am. The triathlete, runner, and sparkle-eyed adventurer behind me, now transitioned into this tired, stiff, old woman, barely smiling through the pain.

    A friend recommended SLC CrossFit and I signed up for their 12 week program. At first, the weightlifting felt so foreign, and I had to swallow my feelings of embarrassment. Everyone around me was so encouraging and the coaches helped queue me, as I slowly learned. It wasn’t easy to be a beginner again, but I quickly realized that no one was judging me, they just were excited to see me there working.

    I kept going and started noticing I was not only getting better and stronger, but I felt SO much better. My work is emotionally taxing and I would come in feeling a wide array of negative emotions. One hour later, I’d leave with a big smile on my face and able to really enjoy my evenings.

    I took it one day at a time and focused on how I felt better more than where I was headed. It wasn’t until I looked back at photos, that it hit me how far I’d come! I feel so much better physically and emotionally. I can do activities I enjoy again, and feel confident in my own body.

  • Lost 30lbs, Cured back pain

    I was referred by a friend to the 12 week transformation program. I was coached through a nutrition plan, and how to properly move while lifting weights. I lost nearly 30 pounds in those 12 weeks but more importantly I learned life long lessons on how to cook healthy food, and how to make exercise a habit.

    Crossfit cured my lower back pain. My back has hurt for years. In the first week of my program I was taught how to push through the bottom of my stomach to brace my spine. I practice this exercise all the time. I find myself bracing my back dozens of times per day which has done more for my pain than any doctor has even come close. Little nuggets of information like this have helped me feel more confident in my everyday movements. I would highly recommend taking the time to learn how to set your life up for success.

  • Found a supportive community

    Growing up I have always struggled with my weight and my body image. It got to the point that I was super insecure about my body and I had very low self esteem. Before SLC CrossFit I was at my heaviest weighing up to 310 lbs and I just felt sluggish, slow and just really unhappy. So when I finally joined SLC Crossfit I signed up for the 12 week workout program there; I was paired up with an amazing coach and I was welcomed into an amazing/supportive community. It’s definitely been hard at times trying to keep up the same mentality going, consistency working out, and watching my diet, but I've had such amazing support that I was able to keep going forward. Now whenever I look at myself in the mirror I can start to see my progress and it just drives me to continue on my weight-loss journey and to reach my goal of 240lbs.